Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy World Vitiligo Awareness Day

OH MY GOSH! I have tried reaching out to a ton of people and it has payed off. Thank you SO MUCH to EVERYONE reading this!! I love you all so much and look forward to sharing new things with you! I was ASTONISHED by the amount of feedback I have received on my Instagram and Facebook! Honestly I used to just ignore it, the vitiligo and I didn't think much about it but since then I have learned SO MUCH and am a better person because of it. I honestly want to inspire people and help them get through this. If by any means you are feeling down or need support or just simply want to talk to me FEEL FREE to email me anytime! I will always reply! Don't be shy! :)

Super thanks to the people who voted in the two polls I have up, I am genially curious to see the results! 

Haha I just realized how much capitalized words there are, I'm just so happy!
I will continue to regularly update this blog so if you would like to continue to see posts from me follow this blog or sign up to receive updates with your email.

Here's my little list of ways to contact me if you are interested :)
Instagram- @my_only_sunshine

I'll probably make a Facebook page soon :)

One last thing: STAY BEAUTIFUL, stay pure, stay you.

1 comment:

  1. There are many different vitiligo natural treatment are used in market for get rid of vitiligo naturally. Natural Herbs Clinic,s herbal remedy is made with pure herbal ingredients and is very effective for the solution of vitiligo without any side effects.
