1. Vitiligo has helped me meet new wonderful people.
2. Vitiligo has let me reach out to others in hope to inspire and educate.
3. Vitiligo has changed my view on beauty, self image and self love.
4. Vitiligo has helped me realize how unique each and every one of us is.
5. Vitiligo has awarded me with pure true friends who love me because of what is on the inside and choose to not judge me about what is on the outside.
6. Vitiligo has helped me mature and learn so many things.
7. Vitiligo has helped bring me out of my comfort zone to talk to new people about this rare disease and show my skin.
8. Vitiligo has brought me closer to God.
9. Vitiligo has not only helped me notice my imperfections but has helped me EMBRACE them, as hard as it may seem to do at times.
So before you start to hate your skin and ask yourself "why me?" think of all of the positive ways Vitiligo has impacted you! Love you all, stay beautiful, stay pure. (I like the sound of that, I might just use it to end off my posts from now on.)